
Investment GmbH


Investment GmbH


wawakuk Investment GmbH was founded in Cologne in 2009 by the Probst family. The company concentrates on capital expenditures and project development for the real estate industry. With a focus on residential objects as well as with company investments. We are also looking for partnerships or joint venture investments in known sectors and are not limited to the real estate market. Since 2016, we have been investing selectively in Atlantic Canada, our second home.

Our Vision

wawakuk Investment GmbH concentrates on entrepreneurial opportunities, which are ethically respectable and have good earnings prospects for all stakeholders. In fast-changing markets in Germany and the world, the company is supposed to secure its assets with a diversified investment spectrum and absorb capital market stress fluctuations. We fulfill this challenging task with the incorporation of excellent partners in the respective markets and investment areas. Thus it offers attractive opportunities for all participants. A classic win-win situation – we love it. Our business model…

Our Values

wawakuk Investment GmbH focuses on added value based on actual market demands. We are innovative, ethically sophisticated and offer a future-oriented investment perspective for all parties involved. Our investments are and have been considered as successful if they created positive economic and social impact. That applies especially where they have been established, where they meet a specific need and prove to be a sustainable investment for local people. Code of Ethics…

Who we are

Juergen Probst, Cologne

has been active in the real estate sector for more than 30 years. Among other as managing director for one of the largest German real estate companies. As an influential manager in the real estate sector, he became due to his strong character, his results-oriented approach and the always loyal commitment to the business a top consultant, asset manager and member of advisory Boards in Germany. Contact…

Johannes Schu, Cologne

has been an internationally successful consultant for more than 15 years in all areas of financial and process control for companies of several industries and sizes. He is specialized in the management of financial areas and their processes, the associated IT requirements and the accompanying project management. He is characterized by entrepreneurial thinking and action.

Track record since 2016

Investment management
Property portfolio
Project development


Corpus Sireo
Ebner Stolz
Friedrich Wassermann
WvM Immobilien


wawakuk Investment GmbH
c/o Wissensmanufaktur IQ
Eupener Str. 70, D-50933 Köln

Jürgen Probst
M + 49 172 2900 233

Johannes Schu
M + 49 172 2810 859